Innovative Ecology

Ecological - Carbon binding

Setälä-Eerola farm's owner, Jari Eerola, has for decades actively taken the farm's operation in an ecologic and energy-efficient direction, an example of which is cultivation that completely sequesters carbon and whose need for fertilizers is almost completely minimized.


This open-minded and innovative work has also been recognized with various awards and partnerships.

MTK foundation

The MTK Foundation awarded Jari Eerola, Setälä-Eerola Oy, the Climate Stress to Climate Possibilities award, 10,000 euros.


The award was given for activities that have especially highlighted and improved the opportunities for rural businesses to do good climate work, while at the same time promoting the overall well-being and future opportunities of the businesses and the people working in them.


The award was presented at the MTK union meeting on June 15, 2022 in Pori.


From the left, Liisa Pietola, Esa Härmälä and Jari Eerola

Koskenkorva Vodka

Climate Action


Anora Group Oyj's new Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action is the first in the world

vodka made from regenerated barley. The barley used in the production is grown on the Setälä-Eerola farm. The field complies with BSAG's definition of regenerative agriculture: the fields have a year-round plant cover and are cultivated according to the crop rotation, tillage of the field is minimized and organic fertilizer is used in the fields.


Jari Eerola, the owner of the Setälä-Eerola farm, is the first contract farmer of the Anora Group, whose farm produces renewable barley.


Climate hero Jari Eerola - Anora Group


“Thank you scholarship”

Jari Eerola from Tuulos received a Tuottajajte kiitos scholarship for the development of ecological choices in coal farming for beef and plant production, as well as for the sharing of knowledge and experiences. The value of the scholarship is 10,000 euros.


Eerola tells about the project in winter 2021: "The monitoring of the costs of our farm according to innovative farming received an additional element of the examination of wider financial data with the scholarship. We extract data on the costs of cultivation from last year's data and compare them to the costs of conventional methods. A farm is a company whose finances should be looked at critically! We will report on the results in the summer within the limits allowed by the corona virus."