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Clean food to eat

The Setälä-Eerola farm uses only the best ecology and clean primary production that secures the future. The farm has succeeded in significantly reducing the amounts of fuel, chemical fertilizers and plant protection agents. In addition, the farm's own nutrients and manure are now utilized even more precisely. The financial impact of all actions is monitored by the financial accounting team.

Innovative Ecology

Clean food to eat

The Setälä-Eerola farm uses only the best ecology and clean primary production that secures the future. The farm has succeeded in significantly reducing the amounts of fuel, chemical fertilizers and plant protection agents. In addition, the farm's own nutrients and manure are now utilized even more precisely. The financial impact of all actions is monitored by the financial accounting team.

Clean food to eat

The Setälä-Eerola farm uses only the best ecology and clean primary production that secures the future. The farm has succeeded in significantly reducing the amounts of fuel, chemical fertilizers and plant protection agents. In addition, the farm's own nutrients and manure are now utilized even more precisely. The financial impact of all actions is monitored by the financial accounting team.

from the 1600s

The farm's more than 350-year history and the perseverance of its previous generations motivates Jari Eerola. Another important source of motivation is the courage to think and run the cattle farm boldly in a new ecological way with the help of climate management - A way that makes you feel good.

On the terms of the field

The farm's more than 350-year history and the perseverance of its previous generations motivates Jari Eerola. Another important source of motivation is the courage to think and run the cattle farm boldly in a new ecological way with the help of climate management - A way that makes you feel good.


"Working with environmental and climate issues in mind speaks to me. The previous, input-intensive agriculture did not bring me financial and mental well-being, but now the pieces have fallen into place. The positive feedback we received shows that we are certainly on the right track."


Jari Eerola, the master of the farm



Tuulospäivä La 22.7.2023

Setälä-Eerolan Tilan Avoimet Ovet


Setälä-Eerolan Tila on mukana Tuulospäivän vietossa ja tilalla

Avoimet Ovet lauantaina 22.7.2023 klo 10-14 välisen ajan.


Tutustu nautatilan arkeen, rapsuttele eläimiä, suorita Kepparirata tai kokeile talutusratsastusta.


Myynnissä itsetehtyjä Kepparitarvikkeita ja tarjolla mehua & makkaraa.


Tervetuloa Setälä-Eeron Tilalle!